Stuart Scott died from cancer a couple of days ago. I wasn't a fan. Soccer is about the only professional sport that I would be interested in watching. That or maybe volleyball. I don't watch any of the sport newscast shows so I didn't even know he was going through cancer treatments until he was gone. I watched a clip of him accepting an award from ESPN. He said, "You beat cancer by how you live." Now.....I am a fan. That statement really resounded with me. I hadn't used those words to describe my philosophy or perspective on life with cancer. The closest I came to it was something like, "I want to learn to live with cancer, not die from it." But his phrase really captured the essence of what I have felt since my diagnosis. I want life to go on as normally as possible for me but most especially my family. Live and do as much as I can, as much as we can in the ways that we have always done.
When I hear of someone dying from cancer, it affects me differently than it used to. I linger over the loss longer and feel compassion for the deceased and their loved ones in a way that I never used to. It just feels more personal because of the shared experience, I guess.
Great insight! You have shown me how to live...and how to live with cancer. You do it with grace, gratitude and faith. Keep fighting girl! We missed you at church on Sunday!